Harini nak buat review berkenaan these two well-known water dispenser / purifier. Kenapa aku buat review? Sebab I am currently using these two water dispenser.
1. Coway (old model)
2. Dr Jabbar (current model)
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Coway |
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Dr Jabbar |
Mula-mula nak cerita apa keperluan dan apa motif beli water purifier a.k.a. water dispenser?
At first we bought the 2nd hand water dispenser, Coway brand (stand type). Why Coway? Because Coway was famous back then. Even now pun still famous.
Why do you need water dispenser?
Because my husband & I are both tired to keep on jerang air every time we want to bancuh air, especially after our toddler has started mix feeding between breastmilk & formula milk. We owned a thermos / flask to keep the water hot. But it is just not enough. So we survey for a few weeks for water dispenser. And yes, we are eyeing on Coway brand.
Pricey? Yes.
The problem with kitchen appliance is that - it requires money. Like - a lot. And we could not commit to pay monthly or every two month for 4 years. Its like committing yourself buying a car or a house. Only that car / house loan can go from 5 to 30 years of commitment.
Work around?
Buying a second hand unit. Used item.
So after much negotiation and thoughts, we bought this Coway stand unit for RM2,000. Mind you, we have to pay another RM120 for Coway technician to come over and install the unit.
So to all parents out there, if NEW unit is too much for you to pay, just go for 2nd hand unit. As long as it works, it should be fine.
So here goes my comparison for the two brand.
Coway - diguna di ofis & rumah. Jangan buat main, aku pakai coway stand kat rumah ye. hehe Yang gambar di atas adalah new unit (beli tahun 2014 - duit company of course). Sekarang off dulu sebab bulan puasa. Sebab tu takde lampu menyala.
DrJ - baru beli (around 1 month ago) dan diletakkan dirumah orang tua aku.
Price-wise :
Coway (we bought 2nd hand, age 2yrs old) priced at RM2,000.
DrJabbar (bought new unit) priced at RM1,199.
Coway: I did call Coway to ask if its possible to continue the maintenance. Ye la, nak replace the parts and all kan. And it cost me RM1,000 plus for 1 year services complete with replacement. Hell NO! So what we did was, since theres only 3 of use (my husband & 1 & toddler), we decided to service ourself. Replacement tu can wait.
DrJ: Its more like Do-It-Yourself. Only have to buy the part which is RM45-RM50 per year. Murah tak? Murah tak?
Coway menang BIG time! Sebab apa? Sebab material dia sangat kukuh compared to DrJ.
Coway ada roda di tapak (2 biji roda kot), jadi kalau nak move kan unit tu, tolak skit je. Takde la rasa berat sebab boleh slide.
DrJ takde roda. Dan kalau pegang pada unit dia, ala-ala fragile gitu.
Coway: Hot, Cold & Room Temperature. Ada safety button untuk hot temperature.
DrJ : Hot, Cold & Warm. Juga ada safety button untuk hot temperature.
Ok nak komen sikit pasal temperature ni.
Hot memang hot. Sedang elok. Kalau letak air tu dalam cawan plastik, still ok lagi.
Room & Cold memang sedap. Lagi-lagi cold tu. Macam baru keluar peti ais. peh pehh
Hot dia, ala-ala baru mendidih. Panas ya ampun. Better than Coway.
Warm - memang warm lah.
Cold - serious tak puas hati. Cold ala2 segan je. Tapi cold dia macam kita perlu tambah ais untuk hidang kat tetamu. haa macam tu. Better lagi Coway.
All in all, ukur baju dibadan sendiri. Kalau rasa mampu, go for Coway.
Aku beli DrJ ni sebab bayar lumpsum. Takde monthly commitment.
Verdict :
Coway : 4.5 out of 5
DrJ : 3 out of 5
saya ada menjual water dispenser/water filter OEM brand.yg mcm dr jabbar pun ada.mcm coway pun ada..harga runcit pun bleh,harga borong pun boleh.yg pasti harg tak smpai 1k utk produk yg setanding dgn jenama trkenal.
keterangan lanjut utk respons pantas sila wasap 017 6052700
saya ada menjual water dispenser/water filter OEM brand.yg mcm dr jabbar pun ada.mcm coway pun ada..harga runcit pun bleh,harga borong pun boleh.yg pasti harg tak smpai 1k utk produk yg setanding dgn jenama trkenal.
keterangan lanjut utk respons pantas sila wasap 017 6052700
Coway only RO water, ph 4 something
Preferably mineral water, i.e cuckoo
Aku guna coway tapi kepanasannya tidak bolih buat telor setengah masak. Dr Jabar bolih ke?
Dr Jabar pun tak boleh buat telur setengah masak.
Maaf mencelah, sekadar perkongsian
2) Air panas , btul ke takat didih capai 100 darjah celcius?
-jika tidak, bermakna kita meminum air yg masih ada kandungan bakteria
2) coway , adakah ia air reverse osmosis? Perlu diketahui kesan RO water pd jgka masa akn dtg.air RO menapis semua sehingga bersih sehingga kandungan mineral sprti magnesium dan zat2 lain pun habis ditapis. Sbb tu bila minum air RO, ia akn menarik mineral dlm badan kita.. itu yg dimaksudkan side effect pd masa akn dtg sperti pereputan tulang, otak anak kita jd trgngu dan sbgainya.
3) air boleh panas dan sejuk, pasti ia mggunakan rod. Lama2 rod pun akn berkarat jika tidak ditukar.jika karat masuk dlm badan apa pula kesannya.
Jadi berhati2 dlm pemilihan penapis air ya .
Maaf di ats perkongsian ini utk mana2 pohak yg x bersetuju..
Kita mnjual penapis air biarlah tiada kesan smpingan kpda pgguna.jgn overclaim. Sbb bila jd mudarat, siapa yg akn brtggungjwb?jgn fikir untung shja.utamakan kesihatan.lg2 utk anak2 kita yg bakal menempuh hidup akn dtg..
Cari penapis air yg mgekalkan kandungan mineral.
Utk survey penapis air, perlu lihat dari byk aspek ya kwn2.
1) adakah ia menapis semua sehingga mineral pun ditapis
2)adakah takat didih air mencukupi 100 celcius?
3) apa kaedah yg digunakan utk membasmi kuman (klorin, ozon, uv light)
4) pembaziran , cth : adakah penapis tersebut mggunakan satu lg paip utk membuang air. Juga dari segi pggunaan bil elektrik
SiL peka bab kesihatan terlebih dahulu ya kwn2.
Boleh brtanya apa2 dgn sdikit ilmu yg sy ada mgenai penapis air 0192361320
Menarik ape yg you kongsikan...jadi penapis ayer yg mana yg tidak ada side effect ?
Bahasa anda banyak masalah.
Boleh saya tahu diantara penapis air al-jabbar dan al-fateh mana lagi oke? Atau ada recommend penapis air yg lain?
Good review! Kpd sesiapa juga yg ingin melihat review berkenaan produk Aqua Kent bolehlah baca disini
tq for sharing. for a further guide on choosing the right water dispenser you can refer this article worth reading https://nurizzatimohdsaleh.blogspot.com/2022/06/hot-cold-water-dispensers-buying-guide.html
Perkongsian info yang sangat membantu 👍 Terima kasih. Artikel ni pun okay gak kalau nak rujuk untuk survey lebih lagi pasal penapis air lain https://fazillahasyikin.blogspot.com/2022/07/aqua-kent-brand-with-best-services.html
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