Monday, June 27, 2011

Mathurat dah sampai

WARNING: entry panjang berjela. Sila jangan baca kalau tak suka.

kronologi pencarian berkat/doorgift.

(pls excuse the snapshot yg tak berapa nk sharp as im using cameraphone ajo)

Aritu aku ada men'survey' few vendors untuk mathurat. Banyak option, tapi in terms of pricing, sangat banyak difference. Even kalau beli dalam kuantiti yg banyak pun, kene cas RM3/unit. Botak la kepala camtu..

Then dalam sibuk me'google' terjumpa plak this blog yg memang focus on printing job. Design pun menarik. Cuma, time tu cuma ada Yaasin / Asma ul Husna. So, i decided to email them, tak lama pastu terus dapat reply. Since aku tanya pun awal, and majlis pernikahan pun belum tetap tarikh (that time), diorang terus terang kata belum ada estimation price/unit. So aku sabor menanti..

Alhamdulillah, price nye agak reasonable and within my budget. So, ikut terms kene 50% deposit, then they will start the artwork. Artwork pun aku tak banyak karenah, nampak comel plus suggestion from them, my fiancee & I agreed, then proceed.

dan Alhamdulillah..

Door gift tersebut dah sampai. Awal gilo! It was delivered to my office tadi around 1.20pm camtu. Quite easy to deal with them, husband & wife (Mr H & Mss N from Warna Inspirasi). Lagi pulak, perancangan awal nak kaler gold with cream cover, tapi last minute masa Mr H & Mss N sms tanyakan confirmation, tetibe plak hati berkenan kat kaler kat bawah nun. Hehehe..

terus punggah masuk dalam boot. hehe. takkan nak bawak masuk opis kot.

snapshot turquoise hotstamping with cream cover

Kalau ikutkan, diorang kata printing ni amik masa 30 working days at least. Tapi memang tak jangka plak siap lagi awal dari jangkaan. Start printing pada 13 June, and delivered to me on 27th June. You do the math!

I'm truly satisfied with the content sebab ada penambaikan pada surah yaasin in terms of font yg asal. And yes, thanks a lot to Warna Inspirasi for their excellent services.

Thanks to Mr. H & Mss N, sangat mudah berurusan dengan mereka, very professional. Kalau berminat (of cos!), you can visit their blog Warna Inspirasi or contact them thru email at


Warna Inspirasi said...

:) Thanks for choosing us to be a part of your big day!

Anonymous said...

Wahhhhhhh! lawa nyer! thanks ye. i've been looking for mathurat all over the net. i tot warna-i tu cuma ada yaasin. good info! thanks aladin!

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