Wednesday, March 6, 2019

How To Restore Factory Setting Using Gmail- Samsung S7 Edge

So I've been blessed to use S7 Edge for about 6-8 months before the handphone cracked on me. 

How exactly can this be happen? 

Well, jatuh atas jalan, jatuh dalam lopak ayaq, terduduk, terpijak dan many more ter.. I can assure you that this phone is really good. Cermin crack, guna jugak (sebab takde ongkos nak beli new one). Then came this 1 line, which in known issues. Kalau nak repair, the cost is well.. not that much. RM1,500 to be exact. What the?? Baik la gua beli baru je.


 So I kept this S7. Nak repair, memang tak lah.
Nak jual? Yes, but first thing first, I must reset to factory setting. Why? Sebab inside got my personal picture, maybe tak bertudung ke, gambar my kids ke.. So here let me share how to reset factory, by only using my gmail (the same account that I used to save my contact, register my phone, etc etc).

1. On your notebook / computer, go to your gmail. Login. 
2. On your top right, you can see there is an icon. Click onto that icon. 

3. Click on Google Account button. You will then be directed to new page.
4. On this new page, review the left panel. Click Security.

5. Scroll down and you can see Your Devices. Devices that are currently signed in or have been active in your account in the last 28 days

6. Click Manage Devices.
7. Click Lost this device?

8. Finally.. click Consider erasing your device. 

Please note, this will only reset factory. Your internal memory, need to be reset manually. Or in my case, i just remove the memory, and sell only the phone. 



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